'LOOPS' Long-term Outcomes of Paediatric Scalds

Very little is known about the best way to treat burns that will result in the least scarring for patients. We know that if children have large burns, if the wounds take a long time to heal, or if many operations are needed, scarring will be worse. However, it is also known that children with similar types of small area scalds still scar differently. It is likely that the patients’ genetic make-up (genes) will affect their scarring. If we knew that a child had genes that would result in a poor scar, then we could target treatment differently for these children. Separately, some patients and families struggle to adjust emotionally to scars. If we could understand what predicts this adjustment, we could similarly tailor the support needed.

This project was led by Professor Amber Young (pictured above) at the University of Bristol and investigated the feasibility of establishing a longitudinal cohort study focused on paediatric scalds.

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