
The Genital Injury Project

The Scar Free Foundation is pleased to offer up to £270,000 to support one 30 month research project which seeks to understand and alleviate the impact of conflict-related genital/intimate scarring, and loss-of-function.

This important project has been made possible by a generous grant from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust’s Transformational Grants Programme. The aim of this programme is to deliver permanent and significant changes or improvements for Armed Forces communities where there are hidden needs not being met by current service provision.

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About the Grant

In the aftermath of war, veterans bear both visible and hidden scars—indelible markers of their sacrifice and resilience. Among the less-discussed challenges are genital injury (GI) and scarring, and loss of function. Typically, these injuries result from injuries sustained from improvised explosive device (IED) explosions.

While visible scars on limbs and faces are acknowledged, insights from the CASEVAC Club and other veterans, have revealed the shame and stigma surrounding genital/intimate scarring within the veteran community. These injuries profoundly impact a person’s physical well-being, self-identity, self-worth and ability to forge romantic and sexual relationships.

Our project aims to understand and alleviate the impact of conflict-related genital/intimate scarring and loss of function, seeking to diminish the shame, stigma, and embarrassment surrounding these injuries and empower current and future veterans to forge fulfilling intimate relationships post-injury.

Project Aims

Our project aims to:

Undertake an in-depth investigation into the psychological impact of this under-researched area.

Recommend and develop effective, practical, evidence-based psychological interventions.

Pilot the intervention to evaluate its acceptability and feasibility within the UK veteran community.

To apply

Please download and complete the application form below.


The deadline for applications is 5pm on 28 June 2024. Late or incomplete applications will not be processed.

Please email [email protected] if you have any questions about the Fellowship.