Fundraise for us

Want to run, bake, or stream for a good cause? Fundraise for The Scar Free Foundation and help bring our vision of a world without scarring even closer!

Fundraising by hosting an event or giving yourself a challenge is an easy way to support our work and raise awareness of the life-changing impacts of scarring. We're thrilled to have you here, considering lending your support to our cause. Your generosity truly makes a difference. Whether you're an experienced fundraiser or just starting out, your efforts play a crucial role in helping us achieve our mission of scar free healing within a generation.

Looking for inspiration or advice?

Download our Fundraising Guide below to find out more. This guide is packed with practical tips, real-world stories, and exciting ideas to kick-start your fundraising journey.

Ready to go?

You can easily start a fundraiser on JustGiving for The Scar Free Foundation using the purple button below.

If you have any questions, please contact Lubna at [email protected] or phone 020 3958 5800. We're happy to help you set up your fundraiser with official logos and photos of our amazing Ambassadors and supporters.