Environmental and Sustainability Policy

The Environmental and Sustainability Policy shows how The Scar Free Foundation is making sustainability a core value within all its operations. We are committed to changing behaviours and processes to create durable long-term outcomes.

The Scar Free Foundation’s vision is to make a world without scarring a reality, with the mission to achieve scar free healing within a generation. For future generations to continue to benefit from our research, it is vital that the work we do, and the research that is carried out is done so sustainable. The Foundation is committed to being environmentally aware, recognising and accepting our responsibility to minimise impact on the environment, meet with all statutory requirements and enhance the current working environment.

Sustainability Principles

The Foundation will manage its operations in ways that are environmentally sustainable and economically feasible. In order to achieve our aim, the Foundation has the following key objectives and targets.

Environmental: Tackling Climate Change

We will assess the environmental impacts of our operations and set objectives and targets in order to improve our environmental performance.

Key Targets

- Digital

  • Reducing energy consumption by ensuring there are LED lights only, providing those that work from home LED lights for their workspace too.
  • Ensuring there is no ‘phantom’ power wastage. Printers, speakers, chargers etc are to be switched off each evening. (Speakers, charges, phones will be on one extension-lead per person for ease of switching off). Each computer must be shut down over the weekend.
  • Move from paper to e-paper, where possible use of e-signatures. Any paper used must be 100% recycled.

- Transport Pollution

  • Virtual Events: where events or meetings are not specifically organised to build relationships (ie, the Annual Update Event or in-house meetings) virtual platforms will be utilised.
  • Virtual Reality headsets: used as an alternative for in-person meetings to build bespoke relationships and showcase research.
  • All travel to and from work and to meetings must be do so using public transport, or walking / cycling. Unless physically unable to do so.
  • Where possible and in the best interests of the running of the Foundation, remote working to reduce waste from commuting will be encouraged.

Governance: Ensuring Carbon Conscious Research

The NHS has made a commitment to meet the targets set by the Climate Change Act, through the publication of the Carbon Reduction Strategy for the NHS in England. Research is a core part of the NHS and the Foundation must play a role in reducing carbon emissions from medical research. All research funded by the Foundation is currently conducted in NHS hospitals and universities. Therefore, general institutional strategies to reduce carbon emission currently in place and being rolled out within these organisation, will also mirrored within medical research taking place there. However, the Foundation has additional strategies to reduce carbon emissions further. Areas have been identified internally, and in addition we will incorporate areas covered in the NIHR Carbon Reduction Guidelines where sensible research design can reduce waste without adversely impacting on the validity and reliability of research.

Key Targets

- Internal

  • To ensure funding needs are not prioritise ahead of sustainability requirements.
  • Ensuring Value in Research (EViR): Continue dedicated development of the EViR Programme. Committing to working together and with our respective research communities to share current and develop new approaches to increase the value of health-related research. We commit to transparency in this process, including evaluating our progress and the impact of our efforts. This will contribute to improvement in the health and lives of all people, everywhere.

- External

Research Centres and Programmes

  • Ensuring inefficient or ineffective monitoring practices are avoided, particularly those that require extensive travel to sites.
  • To reinforce our commitment to the EViR programme across all research the Foundation Funds.
  • Guarantee that reports of research contain the information needed to make them usable to readers.
  • Where appropriate, inform researchers to consider assessing the environmental impact of proposed interventions or changes in service provision within research studies.

Governance: Transparency and Accountability to all stakeholders.

Key Target

  • Developing a new Management Plan to be accessible to everyone online. Word documents are produced on request for those with poor eyesight that needs to use the ‘read aloud’ function on their computer. Print will be used only when absolutely necessary.

Governance : Community, Diversity and Equal Opportunities

Key Targets

  • Delivering a refreshed Diversity, Equality and Equity / Inclusion Policy goes beyond the protected characteristics outlined in the Disability Act 2010. Embedding the recognition across all the Charities operations that all individuals have different needs and requirements. Ensuring adjustments are made to suit the needs of the individual.
  • Ensuring the Foundation is an Equal Opportunities Employer, where possible, anonymous recruitment will be supported, this means the Foundation will hide personal identifying information, removing bias from the hiring process. In the interview, applicants should not be asked any questions that could lead to any discrimination.
  • Signing up and pledging to the Armed Forces Covenant principals.
  • Promoting diversity when in post. Ie, observing religious holidays, creating space for religious activities such as daily prayer, allowing staff to take time off if and where required, having an equal paternity and maternity pay scheme, option for flexible working, training a Mental Health First Aider.
  • Ensuring inclusion for our Ambassadors, Eg, providing tablets or laptops if required for online-involvement.

Additional Actions

  • Ensure all employees understand the Foundation’s policy and contribute to achieving and maintaining high standards.
  • Communicate this policy and make it available to the public, our partners and stakeholders. The Foundation recognises that the effective implementation of environmental policies and practices are dependent on the commitment of the management group both within the Foundation and the research partners. The Foundation is committed to leading by example.
  • Regularly review and update where required, in consultation with staff and stakeholders.