Safe Tea Campaign

Research Update: The Safe Tea Campaign

The Safe Tea Campaign is a national campaign to prevent childhood hot drink scalds and promote first aid care to parents.

Funded by The Worshipful Company of Tin Plate Workers, VTCT Foundation and Health and Care Research Wales, and led by the University of Cardiff and the University of Bristol, the Campaign will launch on 16 October this year to coincide with Burns Awareness Day.

In the Western World, approximately four million people are subject to post-burn scarring each year. 70% are children. The most common form of burn injury is scalding of young children from reaching for - and accidentally knocking over - a cup of hot tea or coffee. A relatively simple accident can have life-long complications. Childhood scalds can lead to painful scarring that requires ongoing treatment.

The Safe Tea Campaign has a clear message - 'Keep hot drinks out of reach of children.' The campaign will feature posters, flyers, activity materials and videos for parents and professionals who work with children. The materials provide information on how best to avoid such incidents, as well as step by step actions to take if your child is injured.

Joseph Nash (pictured above) has scarring to his upper torso and right arm from a hot drink scald as a child. Now a parent himself, Joseph features on the campaign videos to educate other parents on the importance of keeping hot drinks out of reach.

If, through this campaign, we can help prevent some of these accidents, we will be one step closer to a scar free future.

You can find out more about the campaign, and how to get involved, here -

Image taken from campaign video, produced by Beagle Media